satellite tool kit

美 [ˈsætəlaɪt tuːl kɪt]英 [ˈsætəlaɪt tuːl kɪt]
  • 网络卫星工具包
satellite tool kitsatellite tool kit
  1. Satellite Tool Kit ( STK ) is widely used in the visualization simulation system for space mission .


  2. Satellite Tool Kit can only verify and visualize the projects that STK provides itself .


  3. At last the tracking laws derived above are indirectly validated using STK ( Satellite Tool Kit ) .


  4. Three special formations are designed under the new method and simulated by the mission analysis software STK ( Satellite Tool Kit ) .


  5. Satellite Tool Kit , which is developed by AGI , is a widely used software in spaceflight and aviation .


  6. Finally , mean orbit elements are transformed into osculating elements and high precision orbit simulation is verified in Satellite Tool Kit .


  7. Taking sun sensor , magnetometer and MEMS gyro as attitude sensors , the attitude determination filter was constructed and simulation was proceeded using the STK ( Satellite Tool Kit ) data .


  8. The algorithm was simulated based on STK ( Satellite Tool Kit ) data , and the results were compared with those got from the algorithm which using the current generated by solar panels as measurement directly .


  9. Based on the fully analysis to the satellite tool kit ( STK ) software , three primary methods to carry space mission simulation are put forward , and the strong and short points of the methods are analyzed .


  10. Satellite Tool Kit ( STK ) is the core product in a suite of space-analysis software solutions that address all phases of a space system 's life cycle from policy development and design to launch and operations .


  11. The mission of preliminary orbit design for Sun Synchronous and other typical orbits can be achieved by the designer . Compared with the satellite tool kit ( STK ) software , the result of the designer was validated .


  12. This paper mainly focuses on the simulation research and the application of small satellite 's zero-momentum attitude control system based on STK ( Satellite Tool Kit ) .


  13. Restrictions for tasks are set by data interface and available time windows between sensitive satellite sensors and ground targets is calculated by STK ( satellite tool kit ) to simplify resolution of scheduling model .


  14. Small satellite orbital rendezvous is designed using the geometric logic of spherical triangle and the STK ( Satellite Tool Kit ) software .
